Our Services

Psychotherapy services help individuals explore their mental and emotional wellbeing and address a range of concerns, including anxiety, depression, and trauma. With a qualified therapist, clients gain insight and coping skills, increasing their self-awareness and achieving positive outcomes for their mental health.

Our Services

Psychotherapy services help individuals explore their mental and emotional wellbeing and address a range of concerns, including anxiety, depression, and trauma. With a qualified therapist, clients gain insight and coping skills, increasing their self-awareness and achieving positive outcomes for their mental health.

What we do
for YOU

Individual Counseling

We’re on a mission to provide compassionate, client-centered counseling services that empower individuals to heal, grow, and thrive. We are dedicated to creating a safe and nurturing space where individuals can explore their innermost emotions, overcome challenges, and develop the necessary skills to lead fulfilling lives.

Couples Counseling

Counselling for couples who are experiencing relationship difficulties or wish to enhance their communication, intimacy, and overall relationship satisfaction. Couples counselling helps address conflicts, improve relationship dynamics, and foster healthier connections.

Family Counseling

Counselling services aimed at improving communication, resolving conflicts, and strengthening relationships within families. Family counselling can help address issues such as parent-child conflicts, blended family challenges, behavioral problems, and life transitions affecting the family unit.

Group Counseling

Counselling conducted in a group setting, where individuals facing similar challenges come together to share experiences, offer support, and learn coping strategies. Group counselling can be beneficial for issues such as addiction recovery, grief support, anger management, and interpersonal skills development.

Trauma Counseling

Specialized counselling for individuals who have experienced traumatic events such as abuse, accidents, or violence. Trauma counselling helps individuals process their experiences, heal emotional wounds, and develop healthy coping mechanisms.

Substance Abuse Counseling

Counselling services focused on helping individuals overcome substance abuse or addiction issues. Substance abuse counselling involves addressing the underlying causes of addiction, developing relapse prevention strategies, and supporting individuals in their recovery journey.

Career Counseling:

Counselling aimed at helping individuals explore career options, make informed decisions, and navigate career-related challenges. Career counselling may involve assessments, skills exploration, goal setting, and guidance in career transitions.

Mental Health Counseling

Counselling services for individuals with diagnosed mental health conditions such as anxiety disorders, depressive disorders, bipolar disorder, or schizophrenia. Mental health counselling focuses on managing symptoms, improving coping skills, and enhancing overall well-being.

LGBTQ+ Counseling

Counselling services tailored to the unique experiences and challenges faced by individuals within the LGBTQ+ community. LGBTQ+ counselling provides a safe and affirming space to address issues such as coming out, identity exploration, relationship concerns, and discrimination-related stress.

Christian Counseling

Counselling services that incorporate Christian faith and principles into the therapeutic process. Christian counsellors integrate spiritual beliefs and values to support individuals in their mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. This approach may involve prayer, scripture-based guidance, and the exploration of faith-based perspectives on various life challenges.

Disability Counseling

Counselling services tailored to individuals with disabilities, addressing their unique emotional, psychological, and social needs. Disability counselling can help individuals navigate the emotional impact of their disability, develop coping strategies, and enhance their overall quality of life. It may also involve assisting with adjustment to disability, advocating for disability rights, and providing support for family members and caregivers.

Racialized Counseling

Counselling services that focus on addressing the unique experiences, challenges, and mental health needs of racialized Black individuals. This specialized counselling provides a safe and culturally sensitive space to explore issues such as racial discrimination, racial identity, systemic racism, microaggressions, and the impact of racial trauma. It aims to promote healing, empowerment, and resilience within the Black community.

Muslim Counseling

Counselling services that cater to the unique experiences, challenges, and mental health needs of Muslim individuals. This specialized counselling provides a culturally sensitive and inclusive space to address issues such as Islamophobia, identity exploration, acculturation, discrimination, and the intersectionality of race and religion. It aims to support the mental well-being, resilience, and empowerment of Muslim individuals facing racialized experiences.

Get a Free Consultation

Understanding you better allows us to tailor our services to meet your specific needs effectively. Receive a 15 minute complimentary consultation with the PATH Counselling team